The Hong Kong Prize and the BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize

The hk prize is an incredible way for high school students to recognize their hard work and gain exposure to research in one of Asia’s premier science hubs. Along with a substantial monetary reward, winners get to explore the latest research while learning about Hong Kong’s culture and history. It’s no wonder that this prestigious award attracts thousands of applicants every year!

In the art world, the ‘Colours of Humanity’ Art Prize encourages visionary submissions that reflect on global evolution—socially, culturally, and technologically. The annual event—co-hosted by Justice Centre Hong Kong and the EU Office in Hong Kong and Macao, with support from Goethe-Institut Hongkong—features a curated exhibition of shortlisted artworks at Black Box Studio and the Goethe-Gallery, as well as thought-provoking panels and a charitable auction to support the work of Justice Centre for displaced people. Art has always been in The Hari’s DNA and the hotel continues to promote local talents through its rotating showcase at A Space for Art, as well as collaborations with renowned galleries such as ART Prince Advisory and REP.

This year, the hk prize honours the selfless volunteers, good Samaritans and survivors who contribute to world civilisation. From using technology to assist homeless individuals to developing liquid biopsy technology that speeds up cancer diagnosis, the finalists of this prestigious award demonstrate what makes Hong Kong so special. The winners of the hk prize will be presented with their prizes at an awards ceremony and get to meet the panelists behind each category.

The BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize is an international merit-based award sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited to recognise scientific research and innovation that has a significant impact on society. The award aims to inspire researchers and scientists in Hong Kong to continue innovative exploration, establish themselves as experts in their field, serve the nation and contribute to the world.

Since Beijing imposed a controversial national security law last year, democracy activists in Hong Kong have been subject to a crackdown on freedom of speech and assembly, leading to hundreds of convictions. The US lawmakers urged the hk prize to broaden its scope and include more than just democracy activists. However, Hong Kong authorities have argued that the law protects its stability and economic prosperity. Nevertheless, the lawmakers also called on the hk prize to give more awards to journalists and lawyers who have been fighting for human rights in the city. They were concerned about the decline in press freedom in the city, especially as Beijing’s anti-dissident policies are being pushed worldwide. In particular, they highlighted the incarceration of Joshua Wong, a prominent pro-democracy activist, who faces trial next month on charges of sedition and collusion with foreign forces. Their recommendations included renaming the award “the HK prize for democracy” to highlight its significance in the region and the world.