Data Protection in Hong Kong

Data hk is the term used to describe the information and facts that are collected, stored or processed in relation to an individual. It can be stored in a variety of different forms, including hard copy or digital files. It can also be transmitted and shared between people, organisations or businesses. Data is a crucial part of any organisation or business, and it is important to protect it from security threats. This article discusses some of the steps that can be taken to ensure that your data is protected.

Data Governance is the process of putting in place the policies, practices and structures to ensure that your data is managed according to your business goals. A good data governance program is driven by a clear vision and backed up with an actionable business case. The vision provides the broad strategic objective and the business case clearly articulates the specific opportunity. These two elements are then mapped to the roles, technologies and processes required to support and deliver the business opportunity.

The key to a successful data governance program is involving the right people. The program will touch many different groups of employees, customers, partners — in fact, anyone who has an interest in the data. This will create a lot of opinions, and some people will be very vocal. To manage this, use a responsibility assignment matrix like RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted and informed). This will help to organize and prioritize the project.

In Hong Kong, a data user has an obligation to notify a data subject of the purpose of collection. The data user must also take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal data is accurate and up to date. Data users should also ensure that the data is not retained for longer than necessary for the purposes of processing it.

The Hong Kong PDPO applies to all companies that process personal data, whether they are located in Hong Kong or not. This includes companies that outsource their processing activities. The PDPO does not regulate processors directly, but it requires them to implement contractual or other measures that ensure that personal data is protected against unauthorised access, processing, erasure, loss or use. In addition, the PDPO prohibits the transfer of personal data outside of Hong Kong without an appropriate level of protection. This is consistent with the principles of international data transfer agreements. It is also consistent with existing common law and statutory provisions. In addition, it is consistent with the international data protection regimes embodied in the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.